Wednesday, November 21, 2012

3/1's First Iraq/Afganistan Reunion

As Sgt Major Edward Sax (ret.) read the roll call for over 50 men that didn't come home, the weight and sadness was heavy in the air as the men thought of their brothers in arms.

It only lasted 20 minutes and may have seemed odd to those who have not sat through a military memorial before for its straight-forwardness and abrupt ending.  However, it was obvious as the men and their wives exited the chapel that the somber memorial was a chance to remember and thank those who gave their lives for their country.

The memorial service started the first annual reunion weekend for the veterans and current enlisted Marines of the Third Battalion First Marines of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars.  The main event of the reunion weekend was a ball, which took place on November 10th, 2012, the 237th birthday of the Marine Corps.

Marines are a special breed, and that was prevalent when the 40 Marines and 1 Corpsman met November 10th with smiles, hugs, dinner, and drinks.  The men sounded as if they were actual family even though many hadn't seen each other in some cases for over seven years.

Sax, who was the senior enlisted man during 3/1's deployment to Iraq in 2004, planned the reunion.

When asked why he decided to hold the reunion, Sax said, "I felt it would be good for the Men of the BN (Battalion) to come together, other than going to war."

Marines from all over the United States came back to where it all began.

The reunion was held at a golf course in San Clemente, CA, just miles from where these men had trained for war just years before.

3/1, an infantry battalion, is stationed in Camp Pendleton, CA.

With drinks and dinner, Marines and their wives or dates "smoked and joked" about the good old days. 

Kyle Hicks noted that Marines "become a unit as close as a family and closer, they go through hell together and become unable to forget the times that were good and bad. It keeps them in each others' minds always, and it will for sure keep them coming together for the rest of their lives."

Sax agreed, " you are taught from the time you come in the Corps that you will always be a Marine for the rest of your life, in our case the time we have spent in combat also built on the bond we will have for ever."

As the night wound down and it was obvious that they were not going to be able to drink the bar out of alcohol, it was time to say goodbye.  With hand shakes and hugs, the Marines went their separate ways, back to a world that doesn't always understand them.  However, for two days they had the opportunity to be back among brothers.

When asked why it was important to attend the reunion, Matthew Gonzalez said he  "attended the reunion because there were people there that I care about. The situations we faced collectively cannot be replicated in the civilian world, and being together with them makes me feel understood."

At a Glance:

When:             November 9 and 10, 2012

What:              3/1 Reunion (Iraq/Afghanistan)

Where:            Camp Pendleton, CA and San Clemente, CA

Who:               Those who sacrificed